If you get hurt in a slip and fall accident in a Walmart store or parking lot, you may be entitled to financial compensation for your medical bills and other losses with a claim against the company. Walmart and other big box stores have a legal responsibility to keep their premises safe for customers. The failure to do so can make Walmart liable in slip and fall claims.
Slip and fall accident cases can be complicated and difficult to navigate. Slip and fall accidents can cause serious injuries, such as hip fractures and traumatic brain injuries. They can also cause invisible injuries that are difficult to prove. For this reason, these cases may require more evidence and assistance from an injury attorney in Denver.
In addition, when going up against a major corporation such as Walmart, you need an attorney to help you even the playing field. Walmart has its own claims processing company, known as Claims Management Inc. (CMI), which is a subsidiary of Walmart. CMI’s main goal is to save Walmart as much money as possible on injury claims. It is important not to trust a CMI representative and to contact an attorney right away.
If you wish to file a Walmart claim for a harmful slip and fall accident in Colorado, start by consulting with a Denver slip and fall attorney. An attorney can access the forms you need to file a claim with CMI, as well as fill them out properly and support your claim with compelling evidence.
An experienced slip and fall accident lawyer can help you with all of the steps it takes to bring a claim against Walmart, including:
You should also take steps such as getting prompt medical care, keeping up with your medical treatments, and tracking your expenses connected to the accident (e.g., copies of bills and receipts). An attorney from Fang Accident Lawyers can guide you through each step of the legal process if you have been injured in a slip and fall accident at Walmart. We have years of legal experience to use toward resolving your case. Call us today at (720) 379-6363 to begin your claim.