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Denver Sideswipe Accidents Attorney

Denver Sideswipe Accident Lawyer

One common type of automobile accident in Colorado is the sideswipe collision. Sideswipe accidents often occur on highways in Colorado, such as I-25 and I-70, due to unsafe or improper lane changes. If you get injured or suffer property damage in a sideswipe accident in Denver, you may be eligible for financial compensation from the at-fault driver.

What Is a Sideswipe Accident?

A sideswipe accident describes a crash where the sides of two vehicles that are traveling parallel to one another – such as two cars in adjacent lanes on a multilane highway – make contact. This contact can be severe and result in a catastrophic car accident, or it may only cause minor property damage and no injuries. The level of damage will depend on factors such as the speeds of both vehicles.

How Can Sideswipe Accidents Be Prevented?

Sideswipe accidents are a highly preventable type of motor vehicle collision in Denver. Like most types of car accidents, sideswipes can typically be avoided by a motor vehicle driver exercising due care behind the wheel.

Common causes of sideswipe accidents include:

  • Changing lanes without proper signaling
  • Changing lanes without checking to ensure that the destination lane is clear
  • Failing to check for vehicles that are in the driver’s blind spots
  • Drifting out of the proper lane, such as due to driver drowsiness or distraction
  • Failing to properly yield when merging
  • Suddenly swerving into another driver’s lane due to a loss of vehicle control
  • Driving recklessly or aggressively
  • Motor vehicle defects, such as brake failure or a tire blowout
  • Dangerous road conditions, such as a pothole or missing road signs

When a driver is negligent, meaning he or she fails to act with proper care, the outcome can be a sideswipe collision or another type of car accident in Colorado. If someone else is to blame for a sideswipe accident, the injured victim has the right to seek financial compensation from the at-fault party.

Who Is Liable for a Sideswipe Accident in Denver?

The two main types of car insurance systems are fault and no-fault. The majority of states, including Colorado, abide by fault-based car accident laws. Under this rule, the person or party at fault for causing a motor vehicle collision must pay for damage inflicted on others. All drivers in Colorado are required to carry minimum amounts of automobile insurance to pay for car accidents that they cause.

To recover financial compensation from another driver after a sideswipe accident, you must establish that he or she is at fault for the collision. The evidence must show that the other driver (or a third party) caused the accident with a probability of at least 51 percent. This is the burden of proof in all personal injury cases in Colorado. If the other driver was negligent or in violation of a traffic law at the time of the crash, evidence of this wrongdoing can establish liability (legal and financial responsibility).

How a Sideswipe Accident Lawyer in Denver Can Help You

Sideswipe collisions can cause serious injuries that require expensive medical care and take you out of work. If you or someone you love was recently involved in a sideswipe accident in Denver or the surrounding area, contact a Denver car accident lawyer to discuss your legal options. One or more parties may be liable for your medical bills, property repairs and other losses. An attorney can help you recover the financial compensation that you need to move forward from your crash.