The abundance of dog parks and other similar venues within the Denver city limits as well as in other surrounding areas attests to just how well many dogs get along when given the opportunity. Visit one of these parks to see a variety of dogs of all shapes and sizes cavorting happily, usually with...
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Coloradans love their dogs. The fact is evident by the sheer number of dog parks, dog-friendly businesses, and other dog-friendly entities available within the city of Denver. Most human-dog interactions proceed without a hitch, leaving both the dog and human feeling happy and fulfilled. However, what happens when an interaction with a dog leaves...
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Colorado is one of the most dog-friendly states in the nation. Step onto the streets and you will find a large number of dog owners happily interacting with their pets. Similarly, the city has a history of dog-friendly policies and continues to provide a number of dog parks and dog-accessible areas for pet owners...
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Any dog can bite. This statement is true in that any dog, regardless of size, breed, age, medical condition, location, or owner, can bite in negative circumstances. Dogs as small as teacup chihuahuas have produced bites resulting in serious injuries and the need for medical care. If you were bitten or attacked by a...
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Colorado is one of the most bike-friendly states in the nation, constantly falling within the top ten lists of multiple bicycle publications. The vast network of bicycle paths and trails the state hosts speaks to just how enthusiastic Coloradans are about cycling. In addition, you can find avid cyclists everywhere from Pike’s Peak to...
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