Seat belts save lives, regardless of what the laws in your state say about wearing them. Numerous studies from nationally recognized safety organizations have proven the value of seat belts during auto accidents, including the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. For example, almost half the people killed in auto accidents in 2017 (47%) were...
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House fires cause thousands of injuries and deaths in the U.S. each year. In 2017, the U.S. Fire Administration reported 1,319,500 house fires, 14,670 injuries and 3,400 deaths, as well as over $23 billion in related property losses. House fires are usually preventable. Homeowner negligence and carelessness can cause fires. Learning the basics of...
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Thanksgiving is often a time for family, food and festivities. The last thing on your mind during the Thanksgiving holiday might be a trip to the hospital, but, unfortunately, this happens often. Risk factors such as hot ovens, fryers, fire hazards and drunk drivers could lead to tragic accidents and serious personal injuries. Keep...
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Car fires can be traumatic. A vehicle catching on fire while in use or parked could lead to serious burns and even fatalities. According to the U.S. Fire Administration, about one in eight fires that require fire department responses is a car fire. This does not include the thousands of car fires at crash...
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Fires can happen anytime, anywhere, including in the workplace. A fire at work could be disastrous, causing you and other employees severe burns, smoke inhalation injuries and explosion injuries. Your employer might be in charge of overall workplace safety, but making a group effort to prevent fires at work could save lives. As an...
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