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May 2024

5 Things You Should Know if Joining a Class Action Lawsuit

May 19, 2024
A class action lawsuit takes place between multiple plaintiffs (known as the “class”) and a single, shared defendant. Class actions are most often brought against large companies or corporations for issues such as defective products, fraud and environmental torts. If you are considering joining a class action lawsuit in Colorado, find out what this...
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Can Bars in Colorado Be Held Liable for DUI Accidents?

May 15, 2024
A car accident caused by driving under the influence, or DUI, may not only be the legal fault of the drunk driver. In Colorado, bars and other establishments that serve alcohol can also be held accountable for DUI accidents in certain circumstances. If you or a loved one has been injured in a DUI...
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Safety Tips for Driving Around Semi-Trucks in Colorado

May 9, 2024
Semi-trucks, big rigs and 18-wheelers are the most dangerous vehicles on the road. In a collision between a standard passenger car and a large truck, the truck will always win. It is essential as a motor vehicle driver to learn and practice basic safety tips for driving near semi-trucks in Colorado. Prioritizing safe driving...
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What Are the Signs of a Traumatic Brain Injury?

May 3, 2024
A traumatic brain injury, or TBI, is a type of injury that can occur after a bump, blow or jolt to the head or skull. The sooner a TBI is discovered and diagnosed, the better it is for the patient’s prognosis. Recognizing the potential signs and symptoms of a traumatic brain injury can help...
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